Tuesday, March 17, 2015

I'm No Fool, No, I'm Not a Follower

Details: Dress/Shirt-Free People, Shorts-Urban Outfitters, Shoes-Doc Martens, Necklaces-Urban Outfitters (owl), Nasty Gal (gem), Buffalo Exchange (skeleton hand), Lips-Cyber by MAC and Nightmoth by MAC

Here I am wearing this dress again, but I thought today I would try it as a shirt. The pictures on the Free People website show it worn both ways so I decided to experiment with it and I really like the way it turned out. Also, you may have noticed the bold lip I'm rocking. I was in the city this weekend with some of my friends and we went to the MAC store to try on some lipsticks and I just fell in love with Cyber. The lipliner is actually doing most of the work though, and it's called Nightmoth. I've been searching for a dark lip color for years because I've always wanted to be one of those people who casually wears a dark lip but I could never find one that was as darkly pigmented as I wanted from the drugstore brands, so I took the plunge and got the MAC one I had been eyeing for a while. 

This weekend was one of the best I've had in a while. My birthday was last Wednesday, but I had a midterm the next day so I didn't actually do anything to celebrate except go get Mexican food from a place I've been wanting to try with my roommate. It was nice, but not even enchiladas can take away the pain of political science. I had a birthday party on Friday though, so that made up for everything. It was a night surrounded by my closest friends and my wonderful boyfriend who was meeting quite a few of my friends for the first time. On Saturday I just sat around in my apartment and didn't really leave my bed except to go get food. However, on Sunday, as previously mentioned, I went to San Francisco with friends and drooled over handbags and leather jackets that we couldn't afford on Filmore Street. I feel in LOVE with this little bag from the Kooples but sadly I'm not going to be getting a surprise $500 anytime soon.

Here it is; be still my heart. This color isn't available on the site, but here's a link to the leopard one: CLICK ME!

To be honest, I'm still kinda on my BBC kick, but I'll spare you and make the song of the day something a little different. I was in the car with my friend today and this song came on the radio and I instantly was hooked. I don't usually listen to the radio, so this is probably kinda old but I don't care. It's a remix of one of my favorite jams from early freshman year, You Know You Like It by AlunaGeorge, by DJ Snake. Hope that you can all jam to it while cramming for those last midterms before spring break/while you're on spring break/while you're getting back into school after spring break (this is such a weird time because my spring break is next week but a lot of my friends back home had their already last week or are just going on break now). 

Karis the Baybonnet

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